Annual Social

Some of the ladies with Wellspring Benefactor Lesley Winfield, Head Librarian Olds Municipal Library.
February 21st, 2011 – Wellspring Visual ArtNetwork Association Social was held on Thursday, January 27th. All members attending had a fun evening. Great visiting, sharing of member’s activities and events attended during the past year, this was so interesting to hear what other members are doing in their Artists part of their lives. We were so happy to have Lesley Winfield join us and we were able to Thank her in person for her generous donation to our association. We truly appreciate the support she has given us. Our Thanks also to Dakota Industries who helped us with the delicious food and beverages for our Social.
Due to the fact that not a sufficient number of members voted on a Logo Design; a design was not accepted. All the designs will go to the board for further work and the choosing of a Logo process. Carroll presented, on behalf of David Todd, a Pottery Bowl to Dee Poisson whose design received the most votes. Congratulations Dee and Thanks David for your lovely gift
Submitted by Carroll Smith, Membership Director.