Judi MartinezJudi Martinez

Artist in Love with COLOUR! has become my self-description. I finally realised that all the work that I do is my celebration of colour and what it means to me. The joy of owning all those tubes of paint, in different consistencies from fluid to super thick, and in all of those glorious clear colours, WOW! What a sweet revenge upon the classically “dull” materials I was required to work with all of those years ago.

My three “large” florals, each of a single blossom against a varied dark ground, surely explain and explore this love and sense of delight for, and in, colour. Contrast is very important to me as well, even if only as the perfect foil for the clear colour that I am using. I learned the value of using “black” from my almost-Indiana-Amish background, and have been an ardent believer in it ever since I rescued a quilt made from 15 Christmas quilt blocks that I won. They were each made by a different individual, and extremely varied in fabrics, colours, and designs. I tried setting them together with red, and then with green, even white–what a disappointment! Finally, in desperation, I laid a few on the scraps of a red, green, and gold paisley-on-black print and even I was amazed. Off I dashed to buy the last few yards of that print–and created an unexpected, but very effective, Christmas Sampler Quilt. Lesson learned! It even works for paint!

I do paint things that are not quite so bright as those single flowers, however. I really enjoy doing landscapes, and most of them do not benefit from all-over bright colours. I have even learned to at least try not to paint gaudy fall scenes–but is it ever tempting! My second love is skies–and some of them are truly quite bright, as those of us who live on the prairies can attest. Here again is the opportunity to keep them clear, and usually simple, and to let the colour and light sing for themselves. My first paintings as an adult were a series of Alberta skies. I recently struggled with a scene from the coast of Yorkshire, England. It was a bit murky, requiring the use of lots of complementary mixes to “dull” the colours down to a more realistic effect. As it turned out, the bird flying along the creek caused me more grief than any of the cottages did. After many consultations with my draftsman husband, “we” produced a recognisable bird, which he has decided is a kittiwake. (This prairie farmer’s daughter hasn’t a clue.) I do like this painting; I just want to clean it up so I can see it better!

There are so many things that I want to have happen on MY paper! I must continue to learn and grow through practise and study. Then, I must sell, because I paint. Painting just to sell would be a death sentence.


  • Wellspring Visual ArtNetwork Association
  • Arts Alive in Kneehill
  • Huxley Historical Society


  • Purdue University School of Pharmacy, West Lafayette, Indiana BScPharm
  • Master of Science (pharmacology) studies 1975-77 University of British Columbia; thesis not written
  • Registered Pharmacist (retired) in British Columbia, Indiana, and Nebraska
  • Two summers weekly art lessons in oils 1952 and 1953
  • Clarinet lessons; Lafayette, Indiana, Junior Symphony; Purdue University Bands
  • A lifetime of sewing, knitting, embroidery, crafts, and quilting. I grew up under my Grandmother’s quilting frame; I come from a long line of quilters
  • Self-study and practise in art from 2004 on, emphasis on drawing and acrylic painting


  • Currently working in acrylics, both as watercolours and in traditional opaque styles.
  • Watercolour, especially for portraits
  • Knitting and quilting fill any gaps in available time.


  • Paintings have been shown at:
  • Sundre and Three Hills Farmers’ Markets 2006-7; two Sundre visits 2008
  • Christmas Markets varied years at Trochu, Elnora, Three Hills and Sundre
  • Sundre Museum Winterfest 2008
  • Sundre Historical Museum Gift Shop and guest displays summer 2007
  • Three Hills Artisans’ Gallery 2007
  • By appointment/Sundays at Dreamcatcher Photography & Gallery, Olds 2008-9
  • Wellspring Show/Sale at Olds College Fine Arts Building Grand Opening 2009
  • Cover artwork (pen and ink) on “Our Huxley Heritage, Vol 2” history book
  • Three Hills General Store, short-term displays through Arts Alive Kneehill
  • Wellspring ArtWalk summers of 2010 through 2013 (Didsbury’s Mugs Coffee Shop for 2013)


  • Columbia Valley (BC) Chamber of Commerce’s “Professional Service Award, 2000”
  • Artwork for the cover of “Our Huxley Heritage Vol 2” 2008
  • Coquitlam, BC, “Mystery Shopper Award” for professional service 2004